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Innføring i molekylærallergologisk laboratoriediagnostikk (MAD) / Introduction to molecular allergologic lab diagnostics (MAD)

Kurs/ seminar for leger i spesialisering, legespesialister,
annet helsepersonale og interesserte

Molekylær allergologi er den delen av allergologifaget som bruker rene allergener (enkeltproteiner, rekombinante eller rensede) for påvisning av sensibilisering. Dette er et felt som er i rask utvikling. Kurset vil gi en innføring i terminologi og begreper, og kunnskap om når man bør rekvirere slike analyser og hvordan man tolker resultatene. I tillegg vil bruk av multipleksmetoder i molekylærallergologisk diagnostikk bli gjennomgått. Det vil bli lagt særlig vekt på matallergi (hvete, nøtter, soya, fisk, skalldyr). Kurset er en teoretisk innføring og formidler ikke praktiske ferdigheter. Disse vil bli tema for et senere kurs, Praktisk molekylær allergologi. 

Dato/Date:                torsdag/Thursday 5. september 2019 kl. 08:30-16:00

Sted/Venue:               Oslo, Gamle Logen, Strangersalen, Grev Wedels Plass 2


Kurset er p.d. godkjent av DNLF som valgfritt kurs for legers spesialist- og etterutdanning i fagene  immunologi og transfusjonsmedisin, medisinsk biokjemi, barnesykdommer, kompetanseområde allergologi. Det er søkt for lungesykdommer, hudsykdommer.
Påmeldingslenke /Registration link: påmeldingsfrist/registration deadline 31.7.2019



Lengde/ Duration



07:45 - 08:30

45 min

Registrering / Registration

08:30 - 08:35

5 min

Velkommen v/ avdelingsleder

John Torgils Vaage (Oslo/NO)

08:35 - 08:45

10 min

Kursforløp, organisering

Ivo Nentwich (Oslo/NO)

08:45 - 09:30

45 min

Grunnlaget for molekylær allergologi – basisbegreper, ekstrakt, allergen, allergenmolekyl, epitoper, sekvenshomologi, kryssreaktivitet, testsystemer IgE og cellulær, generelle indikasjoner for MAD, allergen databaser

Ivo Nentwich (Oslo/NO)

09:30 - 10:15

45 min

Wheat allergens and their use in molecular diagnostics in wheat allergy

Esben Eller (Odense/DK)

10:15 - 10:30

15 min

Kafepause, kaffe, frukt

10:30 - 11:15

45 min

MAD about nuts and soy
molecular allergologic diagnostics in nut and soy allergy

Heimo Breiteneder (Vienna/AT)

11:15 - 12:00

45 min

Fish and seafood allergy
Specific IgE and BAT in MAD

Annette Kuehn (Luxembourg/LU)

12:00 - 12:55

60 min

Lunsj / Lunch 

13:00 - 14:00

60 min

Hovedforedrag – Keynote lecture

Molecular allergology – a revolution in allergy diagnostics, introduction to EAACI MAUG document, other MAD topics (pollen, mite, and food allergy)

Paolo Matricardi (Berlin/DE)

14:00 - 14:15

15 min

Kafepause, kaffe, kaker

14:15 - 15:00

45 min

Uniplex, oligoplex and multiplex methods in MAD, pros and cons, top-down and bottom-up approach algorithms in diagnostic workups

Paolo Matricardi (Berlin/DE)

15:10 - 15:45

35 min

Veileder i laboratoriediagnostikk i allergologi

hjelp med indikasjon og tolkning av molekylærallergologiske analyser, mulige diagnostiske algoritmer

Vibeke Stenhaug Langaas (Trondheim/NO)

15:45 - 15:55

10 min

Spørsmål og diskusjon, kursevaluering, kursbevis

Alle deltakere


5 min

Kursets slutt

 Det tas forbehold om programendring. The programme may be subject to change.

Our speakers (in alphabetical order)

Heimo Breiteneder, Prof. PhD., (Austria) is the head of the Medical Biotechnology Division of the Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy research, Medical University of Vienna. He cloned the cDNA of the first plant allergen, the major birch pollen allergen Bet v 1. His main research areas are the biochemical and immunological characterization of food allergens, allergen-specific recombinant antibodies, classification of allergens, and the interaction of allergens with the innate immune system. His group's research focuses on the elucidation of the mechanism of allergic sensitization and the development of new reagents for diagnosis and treatment of allergy.

Esben Eller, MSc, Phd, (Denmark) working as Senior Researcher at the Odense Research Center for Anaphylaxis (ORCA), Dept. of Dermatology and Allergy Centre, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark mainly with focus on mechanism behind food uptake in relation to type 1 allergy and anaphylaxis, including wheat, peanuts, tree-nuts, and red meat. Supervising phd project with focus on the effect from co-factors (exercise, alcohol, NSAID), in relation to both tree-nuts and wheat (Wheat-dependent, exercise-induced, anaphylaxis, WDEIA).

Annette Kuehn, PhD., (Luxembourg) is group leader of the Molecular and Translational Allergology group at the Luxembourg Institute of Health, Department of Infection and Immunity. Her research focuses on the identification, isolation and characterization of allergens, which is a prerequisite for the development of diagnostic tools and therapeutic strategies of allergic disorders. Studying fish allergy as a disease model, she made major contributions to the discovery of fish allergens and their application in diagnostic phenotyping of allergic patients. Beyond clinical diagnosis, her group targets on the basic understanding of biomolecular and immunological features of allergens - with the overarching goal to address the question ‘what makes an allergen an allergen?’


Vibeke Stenhaug Langaas, MD, (Norway) is physician, specialist in general practice and specialist in immunology. She is consultant working in diagnostic immunology and allergology at the Department of Immunology and transfusion medicine at St. Olav’s University Hospital, Trondheim, Norway. Besides that, she leads the group preparing Norwegian guidelines for use and interpretation of laboratory diagnostic tests in molecular allergology for primary health care.

Paolo Maria Matricardi, Prof. MD, (Germany) is professor of pediatrics, affiliated to the Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pneumonology and Immunology Hospital Charité, Berlin, Germany where he is the head of the Molecular Allergology Group and the working group Molecular Allergology and Immunomodulation. His research focuses on molecular allergology and immunomodulation. Paolo Matricardi is one of the editors of the EAACI Molecular Allergology User's Guide (MAUG) Document.

Ivo Nentwich, MD, Ph.D., (Norway)  is immunologist / allergist at the Department of Immunology and Transfusion Medicine at the Oslo University Hospital and is responsible for laboratory diagnostics in allergic diseases. His R&D projects aim at mapping pollen and food molecular sensitization profiles in population samples as well as assessing basophil reactivity to extracts and single allergen molecules in patients with food and pollen allergy.


Organisator / organizer: Oslo Universitetssykehus HF, Avdeling for immunologi og transfusjonsmedisin,
kurskomite: Ivo Nentwich (kursleder), Vidar Bosnes, Ida U. Njerve, Fride Erdal Julshamn


