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Kurshelg med Maricel Giacomini

Maricel ble manges favoritt da hun var her i 2015 og 2017. Med glede annonserer vi at  hun kommer endelig tilbake. Hun skal være i Bergen 10.-24. april hvor hun skal holde kurs og blir tilgjengelig for privattimer. Fra 10.-24. april blir det verksteder før milongaene.

Maricel startet med dans allerede som 3 åring. Hun har danset klassisk og moderne dans, stepping, spansk og argentinsk folklore. Hun er vokst opp med nærhet til den argentinske tangoen gjennom familien som var fan av musikken og dansen. Som 15 åring tok hun sine første tangoklasser og forelsket seg i denne dansen. Hun har deltatt i tangoshows, tangofilmer, reist verden rundt og gitt workshops og seminarer. Hun har tidligere drevet sin egen danseskole, men er nå en del av tangolærerstaben på «La Viruta» en av de mest kjente tangoklubbene i Buenos Aires. Og snart – Tango Abrazo i Buenos Bergen!

Tirsdag 10. April 18.30-20.00  ( Nivå alle ) 

MILONGA,  The beat. The "traspie".  

Påmelding: Ikke nødvendig! Bare kom! anbefales med partner. Pris 100kr for medlemmer/ 150 for ikke medlemmer.   Hvis du har ikke partner prøv  for å skaffe en partner ) 

Fredag 13. april 18.00-19.30 

FOLLOWER TECNIQUE del 1:  ( Nivå alle ) 

Conscious use of the body and the feeling we produce
Mastering body alignment and balance
The elegance of feet and how to use them
Axis and movement
Walking possibilities and its applications when dancing
Practice of torsion and dissociation
Embrace language and the perception of the couple
Multiple ways to turn

Fredag 13. april 19.30- 21.00 ( Nivå alle ) 

Musicality part 1: 

Treating moments in the music differently. Understanding and discriminating among different types of atmosphere, musical resources, musical structure, melodic lines, melodic effects. Analysis of the technical and expressive part of music. Perception of music as an inspiration to dance Identification of musical movements with body movement

Lørdag 14. april kl 11.30- 13.30 

FOLLOWER TECNIQUE del 2:  ( Nivå alle ) 

Musical expression, ornaments and style
Understanding and discriminating among different styles
Adapting to the leader
Movement in relation to the musical dynamics
Marked and legato ornaments

Lørdag 14. april  14.00- 15.30 

Musicality part 2: 

Treating moments in the music differently. Understanding and discriminating among different types of atmosphere, musical resources, musical structure, melodic lines, melodic effects. Analysis of the technical and expressive part of music. Perception of music as an inspiration to dance Identification of musical movements with body movement 

 Sunday 15. april 12.00- 14.00

FOLLOWER TECNIQUE del 3:  ( Nivå alle )

The creation of space to decorate
Possibilities of the free and the base leg
Ornament practice in different situations during the dance

Sunday 15. april 17.30-19.00 

The Connection.The embrace. 

Fit together, lining up, with or without torsion . Exercises to work with a partner.Levels of connection. The feeling.How to induce and improve the connection.Points of contacts and how we use it.

Tuesday 17. april 18.30-20.00

- Improvisation  (Structure/How to break the structure and find new possibilities)The subject is look for differents options from some specific movements and work with peculiar guidelines to grow up the personal creativity. Movement motivatorsGuidelines for the search of new optionsCreativity in tango figures and ways to interpret themConscious and unconscious repetitionGood and bad habitsHow to surprise and get surprised on the dancefloorStarting from known foundation, we will explore personal possibilities.

No need for partner. 

( Påmelding:Ikke nødvendig! Bare kom! Pris 100kr for medlemmer/ 150 for ikke medlemmer.

Torsdag 19. april 18.00-19.30

Turns. Analysis of possibilities for turns, their axis and feelings.The axis of turns and its possibilitiesThe right and wrong use of the embraceWhen to start a turn -possibilitiesSecrets for women: how to get the circular feeling, the size, the timing & rhythm, and direction of steps according to the turnOrnaments for men and women during the turn.

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