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Kurs i svimmelhet - Sandnes


Alan Sealy  works as a clinical Specialist in Vestibular Rehabilitation. Whilst on a lecture tour in Norway he was invited to establish ‘Balanseklinikken’, in Oslo. As the Director of Rehabilitation in Scandinavia’s busiest balance clinic, and more recently as Director of Aberdeen Balance Clinic, he has treated and helped over 7000 dizzy patients. This considerable experience is utilized in research and educational courses throughout Scandinavia and the UK.



Alan Sealy  works as a clinical Specialist in Vestibular Rehabilitation. Whilst on a lecture tour in Norway he was invited to establish ‘Balanseklinikken’, in Oslo. As the Director of Rehabilitation in Scandinavia’s busiest balance clinic, and more recently as Director of Aberdeen Balance Clinic, he has treated and helped over 7000 dizzy patients. This considerable experience is utilized in research and educational courses throughout Scandinavia and the UK.


Session 1

Balance & multi-sensory interaction

Balance is a complex pro-active system, dependent upon well functioning multi-sensory inputs and central nervous system sensory organisation. This, and appropriate motor-output response, is then modulated by the context of task and environment, and by what we think and feel. We examine some of the interactions between sensory inputs which occur within the brain in order for us to balance.

Central vestibular neurology

The neurology of eye movements is not for the faint-hearted... but this is the key to accurate diagnosis and treatment of more complex central vestibular disorders. Effective treatment depends upon identifying the location along the neural pathway of a disorder (eg. Canal, otolith, peripheral nerve, brain stem, cerebellum, cortex)

Session 2

Vestibular Assessment – Practical tests to use in your clinical examination

Easy to use assessment tools that integrate with your neuro-musculo-skeletal assessment. These are clinical tests to aid in diagnosis and use as measures of treatment effect. Considering laboratory testing, we will focus on information which is of particular use in diagnosis & treatment. The focus is on differentiating peripheral from central disorders using clinical tests. We consider Computerised Dynamic Posturography; Calorics; VNG.

Ischaemic vertigo - Vestibular migraine

The pretenders’ - some ischaemic central lesions that resemble peripheral vestibular loss. Migraine associated vertigo is more common than previously thought, however is currently over-diagnosed!

Patient examples of pathological nystagmus video analysis

Cervical dizziness / vertigo

How relevant is cervical vertigo? We look at the evidence behind the arguments and a new model is proposed setting this condition within the context of central vestibular sensitisation.

Session 3

Practical:- Vestibular examination 2, “Atypical Benign Positional Vertigo”

Demonstration and practice of positional vertigo tests for the posterior, lateral and anterior semi-circular canals,

Interpretation of nystagmus patterns for canaliathis and cupuloliathis variants.

Particle repositioning manouevres: Epley, Semont, BBQ, Gufoni, anterior canal,

home regime.

Session 4

Advanced vestibular rehabilitation - ‘the art and the science’

Relevant, specific and effective rehab programmes, based upon patient needs and clinical reasoning, rather than recipe-based models.

Exercise progression and practical rehab tips for specific conditions eg. Visual vertigo, phobic postural vertigo, Mal-de-debarquement, central vestibular disorders.

Multi-sensory dizziness, including post-concussion dizziness.

Make best use of central neurological pathways for effective rehabilitation

‘Hemi-sphericity’ – exciting new ideas on stimulating the dysfunctional side

Patients often present without the classical signs of peripheral vestibular disorders.

Headaches, unsteadiness, sensitivity to light & sounds are often typical of a ‘non- compensated vertigo’.

Session 5

Tutorials - stimulating the dysfunctional side

• Fun ?

Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy (VRT) in practice

• Clinical reasoning exercises. Problem-solving in small groups, based upon challenging case-studies


Summary – Don’t miss the big picture !

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